
In a world of overly-aggressive, yoked-out supplements, Shifted is a welcome dose of sanity. They believe that fitness is for everyone and that it exists far beyond the mirrored walls of the gym. Their pre-workout formula is clinically proven, their ingredients are top-notch, and they have a golden pegasus on their label. What could possibly be stronger than that?

Show them some love at

  • Alignment
  • Positioning
  • Identity
  • Visual Language
  • Art Direction
  • Messaging
  • Voice & Tone
  • Packaging
  • Standards

Shifted case studies —


Brand Strategy & Identity

Building a strong brand in a vast sea of sameness.


Building a strong brand in a vast sea of sameness.

Launching a new brand in the highly-commoditized nutritional supplement market is like challenging Mr. Olympia to a flex-off. If you’re going to do it, you better come correct. Of the hundreds of brands crammed onto GNC’s shelves, only one is championing fitness for everybody and every body.