As you grow beyond a startup mindset, engaging an agency to manage change might be the best move. Learn how to tell when it’s the right call.
5m read
Here are three steps every private equity partner should insist on to give newly acquired brands the best shot at scale & efficiency.
Faced with change, companies must enlist legacy employees and new talent to see things through. Here’s how to get the most from your blended family.
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Whether you’re experiencing a stark moment of change or steadily moving forward, you need the right CEO at the right time. Review five CEO archetypes to gauge who your company needs at the helm.
7m read
Your brand identity needs to hold up through times of monumental change. Learn how and why to evaluate your brand identity and address any issues.
Brand architecture is often expressed as two camps: branded house vs house of brands. The problem: both are too simplistic to address real-life brand and product relationships. Build a better brand architecture by considering these thirteen questions.
A merger or an acquisition seems simple enough in theory. Two businesses or brands become one. Easy peasy, right? But lurking just below the surface are many challenges that should not be ignored or overlooked.
8m read
Is rebranding what your company truly needs? Explore the differences between a refresh, reframe, and reset to determine the best way to update your brand.
Too many companies craft strategies that mean and achieve nothing. Learn the telltale signs of imposters to determine if your strategies are actually serving your business.
4m read
A company’s mission, vision, and values must be effective, authentic, and actionable. Learn what to avoid when drafting yours or how to fix what you already have.
12m read
A rebranded website or new marketing campaign won’t compensate for your company’s lack of strategy. Take this quick assessment to see if everyone’s dialed in.
When you’re experiencing change, resist the urge to react quickly. Take a deep breath and a step back. Before you do anything, you need to know what you need.
Here’s how to know whether your CEO is interested, engaged, and invested in laying a bombproof strategic foundation. Along the way, we’ll share our perspective and tips to help you drive the process forward.
Whether rebuilding or redirecting your business, you can’t do it without your CEO. Learn how to foster their enthusiastic buy-in and get the most out of the process.
6m read
Companies that don’t evolve are doomed to extinction. You have to innovate and stay ahead of the competition, or you’ll suffer the same fate as the dinosaurs. Here are some of the leading indicators that you should be evolving, along with suggestions for how you can get started.
When you don’t have clarity, you instinctually grasp for something—anything—to clear the air and find footing. “We need a makeover! A new website! A brand refresh!” But these are often just Band-Aids. Dig deeper for a longer-lasting foundation.
Should you work with a full-service creative shop or an agency with a focus? The options are practically limitless, but if your business is facing a critical inflection point, then you need an agency that is the authority on brand transformation.
9m read
Get nitty-gritty answers to the questions we most commonly hear from new and prospective clients about communication, paperwork, cadence, fit, accounting, and more.
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