When you introduce your brand to its target audience, you’re creating a high-stakes coming-out party. Here are five lessons we learned from our partnership with Rivian.
5m read
As you grow beyond a startup mindset, engaging an agency to manage change might be the best move. Learn how to tell when it’s the right call.
Your brand identity needs to hold up through times of monumental change. Learn how and why to evaluate your brand identity and address any issues.
Brand architecture is often expressed as two camps: branded house vs house of brands. The problem: both are too simplistic to address real-life brand and product relationships. Build a better brand architecture by considering these thirteen questions.
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A merger or an acquisition seems simple enough in theory. Two businesses or brands become one. Easy peasy, right? But lurking just below the surface are many challenges that should not be ignored or overlooked.
8m read
Is rebranding what your company truly needs? Explore the differences between a refresh, reframe, and reset to determine the best way to update your brand.
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