
Adding major #campvibes to their Spring collection.

Poler makes gear for backroad roamers, chill seekers, road trippers, and campfire gazers. We adopted their mellow mantra for a weekend excursion to the Oregon Coast to shoot some content for their Spring line. It was good friends, good food, and beach vibes for days.


  • Photography
  • Campaign

Parliament develops directional strategies, brand platforms, and creative executions for companies at critical inflection points.

What we do

Sometimes, it’s best not to overthink thinks. Our team + a brand we love + our favorite photographer made for tons of great images of Poler gear in its natural environment. The resulting content was used widely and “liked” extensively.

Cheesin’ and Steezin’

A bunch of awesome Poler gear, furry friends, and big, toothy grins made the weekend, and the catalog, a total blast to be part of. Now, if you'll excuse us, we all have our new modeling careers to focus on.


Salty dogs

Find yourself someone who is as happy to see you as dogs are to see the beach.


Hours of crabbing for dinner

Not quite the deadliest catch, but those little buggers can really pinch a finger if you’re not careful.



We crammed 12 people and tons of gear into this tiny cabin. First dibs were in full effect.



Poler ended up with tons of content that helped them drum up excitement for their latest gear.

Credit where it’s due.

Thanks to Boone Rodriguez for the amazing camera work, and to the team at Poler for making rad stuff and letting us put it through its paces. Photography by Boone Rodriguez, production by Parliament.

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